It's been 9 year since I lost one of my oldest and dearest friends. At the time of her passing, we had known each other for 35 years. 9 years ago, my dear friend Donna lost her courageous battle with aggressive lung cancer. No matter how long we had to prepare for this day, it stung so much when I heard the news. My heart crushed as soon as I heard.
This was what I wanted to say at her Celebration of life however I was too choked up. When I returned home, I felt compelled to post this.
Good Bye is never easy to say but if you think of its origin
“God Be with You” It should be easier. Understanding why some people have longer
time on Earth than others is hard and makes saying Good Bye one of the hardest
things to say. But what if we said Welcome Home instead? One day I hope we’ll all be
where Donna is. However, I know that one day I’ll see
Donna again forever. To me that is a comfort. Yes she is gone from our lives in
body but her spirit lives among us and always will.
You see we are all on this planet for reasons that none of
us know or understand. We may never get it. In Ecclesiastes it says that 1
there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven. 2A
time to be born and a time to die, 4a time to weep and time to laugh, time to
mourn and time to dance, 5time to embrace and time to refrain, 6time to search
and time to give up, 7time to be silent and time to speak, 8time to love and
time to hate. 12 There is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do
good while they live.
Donna did a good job of all that except for hate. Donna and
I met at a time when my very young life was turned upside down and I was trying
to put it back together. We were about 7 years old. Donna accepted me right
from the start. Donna never judged, harmed or slandered. Donna was honest about
how she felt about things you said or did. She was caring, loving and
compassionate. Donna knew how to have fun and when to be serious. She was
always available if we needed her. Donna loved everyone, even her enemies.

Growing up with Donna was special. We shared our dreams and
hopes and fears. The difference between us was that she lived out many of her
dreams. She never lost sight of them. During the last weekend we spent together
before college we spent much time reflecting on life, where we wanted to go and
what we wanted to accomplish. I believe Donna accomplished much of what she
told me that weekend. It was a weekend that I have treasured in my heart. Things were said between us that will never be repeated. We were kindred spirits. I will forever be grateful for our time together, even
though I do regret the times we missed.
Life got in our way once we left for
college. And even though there were many years we missed, there was not a moment
that didn’t go by that I thought about her and wondered what Donna would be
doing. Then one day social media brought us back together. When we reconnected,
it was almost as if time never got away from us. Sure life was different but
she was still the same loving, caring friend I always remembered.
I am honoured to have had such a wonderful friend in my
life. God truly knew Donna’s huge, kind, loving and accepting heart was exactly
what I needed all those years ago. Now that she is no longer here with us, I
hurt a lot. We all hurt because that’s what humans do. I believe in my heart
that we will have eternity to rekindle our time spent with Donna. So let’s not
weep for her but rejoice in the person she was, how she touched our lives, and
hope that her purpose here on Earth was fulfilled. Although I think it was. You
see we all have one main purpose here on Earth to love each other and teach
everyone about love- a love everlasting. Donna was full of love and she always
showed it. Today I celebrate that.
Donna you were one of the strongest most beautiful people
I’ve ever had the pleasure of having in my life. I’m sorry you had to endure
all that you have gone through. I am glad you are no longer feeling the pain
and that you are free to live in eternity surrounded by purity and beauty; and
much like the hole from the Champaign cork we put in the ceiling of your
parents’ house, I will always feel a hole in my heart. Until we meet again my
friend. We’ll do our best to help Mike and the boys, as long as they will let
us. May your spirit be with them always and May God be with each and every one
who is grieving at this time. God Bless You All.
Donna Sept 21 ,1972-June 8, 2015.