Well it certainly has been awhile, but I am slowly turning down the noise and getting in tune with the Lord and what is truly in my heart. One day as I was doing devotions and reflecting the one loud and clear message for me was to turn down the noise. I'm not talking the radio or tv, I am speaking about the noise in life, the appointments, the social media, texting, housework, socializing. Whatever is keeping me from just being still with the Lord and listening to Him needs to be turned way down. This pandemic has taught me a lot about that. There are so many distractions taking us away from what we really should be doing. It's taking me half my life to figure this out. I still get it wrong. I am not perfect, but I have a father in Heaven who cares more for me than anyone in this world. He will see me through my problems. He has brought me through many. And all he asks is that I be silent and still and listen to Him. He will often use gentle reminders like a storm or the wind or even an animal, when I haven't spent time with him. You can see that in older poems I have written on here. But for today's message, it is all about turning down life's noise and tuning in to the message He has for us. Take some time today and just turn it all down but turn His Volume Up!
Turn down the noise
Walk in graceful poise
For He sees and hears your heart
He hears through your thoughts and fears
To hear the message He has for you
To love, heal and protect you.
where your feelings hide
He will seek them out
He is salve to the breaking heart
He is joy to the soul
hear the message He has for you
To love, heal and protect you.
He is there for you
Lay it all down then sit at his feet
The burdens you bare
He’ll take from you
And turn His volume up
Feed on His truth
Bare it all and bask in his love
Find the rest that awaits you
Mark 6: 31 And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.