Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

After attending church service on Mother's day, the message from the sermon stayed with me. The Pastor spoke of mother's, the role they play, the love they have, the heart they have,  you get the idea. Well when a message sticks with me, I typically end up composing a poem or some sort of verse about it. So here is what came of that. This is for all the mother's out there, especially my two. Yes I said this correctly. I had been born to a mom, separated at about 5 years old from her, put up for adoption, adopted. Later in life I reunited with my birth mother who died almost 20 years ago. Both my moms have the strongest of  hearts.

The Heart of a Mother

           The heart of a mother is like a diamond, strong and resilient
               The heart of a mother is like silver, precious yet tender to the core
The heart of a mother is like gold, pure yet malleable
The heart of a mother is stretched, poked, torn, over filled
Her heart worries
Her heart weeps
Her heart hurts
Her heart tires
The heart of a mother ponders and savours time and emotions
Down deep inside where no one can go
She holds the moments captive
Releasing them to only the Lord
Her heart prays
Her heart forgives
Her heart worships
Her heart rejoices
Never underestimate the heart of a mother
It carries more than is imaginable
The heart of a mother though may be tested
Will never break for it is strong and resilient
As is a diamond


Psalms 61: 1-2 Hear my cry oh God, Attend to my prayer; From the End of the Earth I will cry to you; My heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (NKJV)

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Her Purple Doll

Many years ago after I had been adopted, my birth mother spent many hours crocheting this doll for me, with the hopes that one day she will be able to give it to me. Well that day came. I cherish this doll and think of her each and everyday. One day not long ago I sat down and wrote this trying to capture the love in each stitch from her to me.

 Her Purple Doll

Years apart but still woven in her heart

Each crocheted stitch of purple and white

Looped together day and night

Heartache and hope

Binding their hearts

Never to be unraveled

Years later her music plays no more

But her smile remains unfazed and true


He knits us in the womb

Each stitch entwined with purpose

Stitched with his love for us


The tears were laced and looped

By the crafters hands

Never ceasing as she prayed

For a reunion that could bring

Forgiveness and healing


He knits us in the womb

Each stitch entwined with purpose

Stitched with his love for us


She opens the package

And the tears begin to flow

Comfortably spreading salve upon her heart

To know she’s had someone who never gave up on her

She squeezed the purple doll

Sending her embrace through the miles

And having the hope of once again sharing smiles.

Psalm 139: 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A prayer for 2022

 For those who follow me, know that I have a gift with words. For awhile I was writing all the time. Life has gotten in the way and has made it difficult for my words to come through. The last number of years I have taken to writing a prayer for the coming year. I start pondering a few days after Christmas Day about how the year went, what I observed, what I accomplished. Then I let things sit on my heart before I bring the pen to the page. If you could see how each poem, verse, prose begins, you would be amazed at how I get to what I post here on this blog. I don't take this prayer writing lightly. 

This prayer is for everyone regardless of where you are with your spirituality. As we begin 2022 let this be your prayer.

Dear Father in Heaven

Thank you, Lord, for another year.

There are many things that were not ideal in our eyes,

We do not see things as you see

You provide everything to keep us safe

yet we still hold heavy burdened hearts.

Our hearts remain filled with hate, unkindness, and fear.

We are blinded, jaded, fooled.

You give us everything

You are everywhere

yet we turn you away.

pain and bitterness plague our hearts.

ungrateful, and grumbling.

We are dreadful.

But you, Father, have been there all the while.

You are there with mercy, grace, and love

So why do we push you away?

We are thirsty Lord.

Thirsty for more than we know

Lord you are the living water

But what does that matter if we’ll not take a drink?

You hold the cup, but we refuse

Please help us Father to take the cup

Quench our thirst and help us begin a new year

May this be the time when we draw near

My prayer is for friends and family

To open their eyes you, Lord

For the lies to be exposed, healing to begin

I pray Lord for Revival.

A revival so profound that even the most stubborn

Get down on their knees

Lord fill the Earth with hope and joy

Remove Covid and all it’s variants from the world

Help us to rebuild relationships, homes, jobs, society

Show us the way back to times helping each other was the thing to do

 We are all sinners

help us to recognize those sins and repent Lord

I pray that 2022 will restore the world’s hope, faith, joy

And that there may be peace everlasting.


In your Precious Name,


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Turn up His Volume

 Well it certainly has been awhile, but I am slowly turning down the noise and getting in tune with the Lord and what is truly in my heart. One day as I was doing devotions and reflecting the one loud and clear message for me was to turn down the noise. I'm not talking the radio or tv, I am speaking about the noise in life, the appointments, the social media, texting, housework, socializing. Whatever is keeping me from just being still with the Lord and listening to Him needs to be turned way down. This pandemic has taught me a lot about that. There are so many distractions taking us away from what we really should be doing. It's taking me half my life to figure this out. I still get it wrong. I am not perfect, but I have a father in Heaven who cares more for me than anyone in this world. He will see me through my problems. He has brought me through many. And all he asks is that I be silent and still and listen to Him. He will often use gentle reminders like a storm or the wind or even an animal, when I haven't spent time with him. You can see that in older poems I have written on here. But for today's message, it is all about turning down life's noise and tuning in to the message He has for us. Take some time today and just turn it all down but turn His Volume Up!

Turn up His volume
Turn down the noise
Walk in graceful poise
For He sees and hears your heart
He hears through your thoughts and fears
Turn up His volume
To hear the message He has for you
To love, heal and protect you.
Let Him speak to the spot deep inside
where your feelings hide
He will seek them out
He is salve to the breaking heart
He is joy to the soul
Turn up His volume
hear the message He has for you
To love, heal and protect you.
Everyday, everywhere
He is there for you
Lay it all down then sit at his feet
The burdens you bare
He’ll take from you
So turn down the noise
And turn His volume up
Feed on His truth
Bare it all and bask in his love
Find the rest that awaits you


Mark 6: 31 And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

My prayer for 2021

 Well 2020 certainly was not a year that I expected. It was troublesome in ways but in other ways, a blessing. I hope you have found those blessings. It was with a heavy heart I wrote this prayer but a hopeful heart at that. I look forward to a greater year in 2021. I share now with you the prayer of my heart as we bid adieu to 2020 and welcome in 2021. No matter what the circumstance you face right now, know that it will not be forever and you will overcome it. Celebrate safely, do some video and zoom, and skype chats. Have fun and may this prayer be what guides you through the next 365 days. God Bless and Happy New Year everyone!

Dear Father in Heaven this is my prayer for 2021
As we say goodbye to all the days of 2020,
And begin to turn our sights into 2021
We come to you with heavy burdened hearts
Blinded by hatred, unkindness, unbelief, and fear
Forgive us Lord.
We have lost sight of who you are and all that you have given to us.
We have become selfish, stubborn and at times ungrateful
Lord I pray that we leave behind the pains, bitterness, and sorrows
That plagued our hearts,
leaving us feeling empty seeking better tomorrows
Lord help us to leap into 2021 with renewed endurance, health, and faith
Help us to love more and learn forgiveness
Help us to judge less and correct our own weaknesses
I pray Lord that we learn to listen for you and seek your promises
Rather than those made by the world
I pray Lord that COVID 19 becomes a memory that will serve as a reminder to us
That we humans cannot do this life on our own
That we need You.
I pray Lord that the vaccines come fast to those who need,
and they are the right ones to put this virus to rest.
I pray that those that have made it through 2020 but still struggle with their needs, and circumstances, receive the help they need to get back on their feet.
I pray Lord that 2021 brings us closer to you.
That those of us who do already know you can be brighter beacons that shine the light
towards You for those who don’t already know you.
Lend us your strength Lord when we face troubles
Remind us Lord that you are in control,
You are the Rock on which we need to stand
May 2021 be the year of more faith, hope and joy.
Guide us Lord through this night into the next 365 days.
May we all start with a clean slate, with hopeful softened hearts,
Ready to receive the Blessings and gifts you have for us
Throughout the next chapter of the Book of Life.
In You we Trust,

Friday, December 4, 2020

Nancy's Christmas songs

 Christmas. I love Christmas. When the instructor asked us to write 5 to 7 songs about a current event, theme etc.. I jumped at the opportunity to write Christmas songs. I had some fun with a few of them. Of course I don't know how to arrange music so you'll have to make up your own tunes. Except for my 12 Days of Christmas. Enjoy and Merry Christmas. Make sure you look through all 6 songs.

Christmas Candy Land
Let’s begin with some candy cane kisses,
oh so deliciously sweet
Grab one and have a treat
Come take a whirl on a peppermint swirl
Over mountains of chocolatey goodness
Across rivers of sugary ice
Onto pillows of marshmallow dreams
OH! May, your Christmas be filled
With sweet moments in time
Simmered in love,
Coated with hope for the year to come
We’ll grab Mistletoe wishes
While we take a pause
To wait for Santa Claus
Follow me o’er fields of cookie dough
Crossing icicle topped bridges
over streams of sticky caramel
Watch as the sugary pies begin to swell
OH! May, your Christmas be filled
With sweet moments in time
Simmered in love,
Coated with hope for the year to come
Swing round on popcorn strings
And cranberry rings
And join the celebration
May you be filled with candy cane kisses
Be blessed with marshmallow dreams and
Mistletoe wishes
Repeat chorus as you fade out….

Nancy’s 12 Days of Christmas
(same tune as original 12 Days of Christmas)
On the 1st day of Christmas,
My Good Lord gave to me A Saviour for the World
On the 2nd Day of Christmas,
My Good Lord gave to me 2 Doves of peace
On the 3rd Day of Christmas,
My Good Lord gave to me 3 Wise men
On the 4th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 4 Rays of hope
ON the 5th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 5 ANGELS SINGING!!! (pause and repeat other verses)
On the 6th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 6 Stars a Shining
On the 7th Day of Christmas,
My Good Lord gave to me 7 Shepherd’s watching
On the 8th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 8 Nights of oil burning
On the 9th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 9 Prayers of repentance
On the 10th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 10 Commandments to obey
On the 11th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 11 Maidens praying
On the 12th Day of Christmas
My Good Lord gave to me 12 Disciples teaching

A Saviour so Small Came for All
Glimmering lights bounce off falling snow
Sweet smells of spices linger so
Magic and wonder fill the air
A bright shining star atop the tree
Shines like the angels so long ago
That marked the place for all to see
They lead the way to the manger
Where the special babe lay
A gift of love given that day
 Christmas is near
We’ve nothing to fear
For a saviour so small came for all
The candy canes trimmed upon the tree
Remind me of the Shepherd’s forlorn
Who came to see the babe who was born
Bridge: How could a babe so precious and small
Be the one to save us all
I see gifts wrapped in ribbons and bows
And I think of wise men who had to go
See the glorious miracle
Christmas is near
We’ve nothing to fear
For a saviour so small came for all
These are the blessings that I come to know
As I see the flakes of the first snow
Deep in my heart I cherish them all
Christmas is near
We’ve nothing to fear
For a Saviour so small came for all

Always Room for Little One here
Outside the Inn,
Nestled in a small barren stable,
Old Ox lowed quietly into the night
Tired dog appeared “woof, I’m cold and no place to go”
Old Ox lowed “Come gather near
There is always room for a little one here”
“Meow” mewed the cat
“I’m cold and have no place to go”
Dog barked “Come gather near,
There’s always room for a little one here”
“Squeak!” called the mouse
“I’m cold and have no place to go”
Cat meowed “Come gather near,
There’s always room for a little one here”
Together they settled into the quiet of the night
Till, outside the stable they heard someone shout
“No, I’m sorry I’ve not any rooms” the voice rang out
The animals stood and began to call out
“Come gather near,
There’s always room for a little one here”
As they watched, Baby Jesus made his first cry.
OH, oh, there’s always room for a little one here
Little one here, little one here
There’s always room for a little one here…fade out

Mother Mary, How could it Feel?
Oh Mother Mary,
How did it feel to be the chosen one?
To carry His one and only son
and nurse him as your own?
You were a virgin young and unaware
When the Angel came with the message
Of the babe you were to bear
Insignificant you must have felt
But yet on your knees you knelt
And to the Father you did praise
For His child you were to raise
To travel oh so long upon the back
Of a donkey so small
Only to find there was no room at all
Oh Mother Mary,
How did it feel to be the chosen one?
To carry His one and only son
 and nurse him as your own?
The stable was the only room
To have the babe by the light of the moon
You must have been so scared
You are blessed far more than we can see
The chosen one of God
Is so much for us to see
I bless the Father for choosing
You to bring His son unto the world
In hopes of peace and everlasting joy.
Oh Mother Mary,
How did it feel to be the chosen one?
To carry His one and only son
 and nurse him as your own? ( repeat and fade)

Where’s the Magic Gone?
Writing Christmas cards brings me back
To the days of old
When Christmas magic filled every household
As I look out the window and see the lights on the trees
I long to have it the way it was
When love and peace spread through the air
Though the years have come and gone
The magic is buried by the burdens I keep
I pray it all comes back to me
All I want for Christmas
Is the magic that once was
To shine and fill the hearts of all
My heart is overwhelmed
To see the hate, and loneliness
That plagues the hearts of man
Where has the magic gone
Whatever have we done
To this time of peace and love
All I want for Christmas
Is the magic that once was
To shine and fill the hearts of all

We Have Today

 This week was a really good eye opener on how short life can be. It can be taken away in a flash. This song puts us into that perspective. We Only Have Today. In Mathew 6:34(NKJV) it says: 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

We Have Today
Broken homes and lonely people
Riots, wars, closing stores
Today’s world is a messed-up place
Things happen that we cannot erase
Sickness takes so many lives
Deadly outcomes where disease thrives
Burning candles at both ends
From pay to pay, the bills never end
We fret and we frown
And let life keep us down
Take nothing for granted
We don’t have forever
Tomorrow’s not promised
We only have today
Worry drives our daily lives
Workdays are no longer 9 to 5
PTA’s and dance classes
dragging our Ass…ets and credits down
Time for renewal and change
Reach out to those in need
Show love and do good deeds
Forgive and mend some ties
Take nothing for granted
We don’t have forever
Tomorrow’s not promised
We only have today.
Live in the moment
As though there aren’t anymore
Take nothing for granted
We don’t have forever
Tomorrow’s not promised
We only have today.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.