Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My prayer for 2014

I can't think of a better way to wind down this year than to pray. In prayer I have tried to capture as many needs as I can. Happy Blessed New Year! Keep safe, drink responsibly and have fun!

2014 Prayer

Heavenly Father
Giver of Life
I thank you for carrying me through this years strife
You gave me all that I needed to succeed
You lifted me when I fell
and comforted me when I wasn't well
There were times Lord,
when I felt like I was going overboard
but you kept me afloat
To you, Lord, my blessings I devote
for I would truly hate
 to think of what would be my state
if I didn't have You.
Oh Heavenly Father forgive me when I doubt
and when anger causes me to shout
As 2014 creeps upon us, 
my prayer is that You hear all the cries and prayers
of my friends and family
that you touch each person with your mercy and grace
and help them through all that they face
Father dear,
we humans tend to get ourselves into great binds
We get greedy hearts and hot headed minds
I pray Lord as 2014 begins you help us do our part
to do your work and listen for our calling
Lord convict our hearts when we do wrong 
and fill us with your love that keeps us strong
give healing where it is needed
and help lives be put back together 
that were destroyed by nasty weather
Open the eyes of the world leaders
in hopes that they may see a clearer picture
of what you've called them to do
Guide us all day to day 
and through each night
that we may keep you in our sight
Help us to lean on and trust in you
Lord, you are the rock on which I stand
the lamp in my darkness
The Almighty,
I pray 2014 begins with many lost souls finding their way to your light
and that we humans get it right
Thank you Father for your never ending love and faithfulness.
In the name of My Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Reason for the Season

The message is clear and shouldn't be saved for just the one day a year. When the day has passes let this prepare your heart for the year ahead in anticipation of the new year and for next Christmas season. Praise God for this gift, and may He bless you with his love and mercy. Merry Christmas and Blessings for a Prosperous New Year!

Reason for the Season

Leaves have fallen to the ground
Signs of winter all around
Nature as we see it
has gone to sleep
soon we'll be covered in a blanket
of snow so deep

A sad thought to ponder
yet it fills me with hope and wonder
As the snow begins to fall
up go the Christmas trees so tall

Round the roof tops
lights glisten
now lend me your ear
and to my story give a listen

Long ago in a far away land
comes a story so grand
of a carpenter and virgin from
whose womb a king would come
to save the people from all they had done
and close the gap between Earth and Heaven's Kingdom

The Lord sent a message through the Angel
to a young servant girl called Mary
of a babe she'll carry
that is God's own son
to which Mary replied "My Lord's will be done."
There was no palace for this king's birth
just a lowly stable hardly measuring up to his worth

Soon after the king arrived
a group of shepherds in a field near by
were told of this amazing event
and to the stable they went

Over taken by joy of their King's arrival
the shepherds ran to tell all
for the Messiah they waited for
was just beyond the stable door

Soon after danger loomed
An angel warned Joseph of a possible doom
protect the Christ child was his quest 
and so they headed West

From the Far East three strangers saw
a gleaming star and followed in awe
to see for themselves this promised King
to their knees they fell worshiping 
as they saw their Messiah.

As this child grew he began teaching parables to the masses
and healing many lads and lasses
Every where he went he left but one command
Love one another 
Love the Father.

Though simple to say, it's so hard to do.
So many people didn't follow through
The Father was not pleased
his anger needed to be appeased

To the cross He sent his one and only Son
and promised all sins would be undone
Eternal life is given to those who believe
that when Christ was born that eve
so long ago, the promise was fulfilled

So as we come nearer to Christmas Day
the moral to the story I have told
is The Father's love will never grow old
He always forgives, even when we don't deserve.

As you begin to immerse in holiday cheer
approach the cross with fear
but remain faithful and hopeful
that our Holy God Almighty
will be there to help us through
all of this calamity.

Merry Christmas to young and old
For Jesus birth is the reason 
for this season,
and if I may be so bold
I raise my hands in Praise
to God Almighty
for the gift He gave you and me!
Forever in my heart will this gift always be!

Monday, December 23, 2013

T'was the Ice Storm of 2013

I know for some the affects of the ice storm are not over but while sitting with no power yesterday, I thought about how I could show my gratefulness. So I came up with a poem about my experience in the ice storm. Despite the inconvenience we can be rest assured that God is with us even in this time. Stay warm for those who still have no power. Ours was out for 18 hours but I'm sure glad it was. It brought me back to the times before computers, iphones and tv. Almost wish it happened again.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Ice Storm

T'was two days before Christmas
when all through the house
the lights and furnace went out
we had to bring extra blankets for all
including the mouse
The ice storm came and delivered a punch
that sent trees and power lines into a bunch
The children all cried
as their computers died
With Momma in her woollens
and I in my long johns
we lit a big fire in hopes we'd be warm all night
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang down the stairs to see what was the matter
Over to the window I stumbled over some foreign matter
I gasped as I saw trees broken and scattered
The ice it had fallen
and encrusted the snow
it glistened as hydro lines fell low
then to my bed I went shivering and dreading
when the crews would be repairing and returning
the town to it's lustre and shine
I prayed by morning all would be fine
More crackles and bangs rang through the night
as winds whipped and whirled
branches into flight
Though the storm showed much sparkle and beauty
much destruction and trouble
is what we'd find under the icy rubble
Though bored out of their minds
my children managed to enjoy their time
spent with their parental kinds
So to The Lord I give thanks
for a few extra moments to ponder
only a few days before Christmas
and leave me filled me with hope and wonder
to start the new year full of much cheer!

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a WARM NIGHT!

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.