Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My prayer for 2014

I can't think of a better way to wind down this year than to pray. In prayer I have tried to capture as many needs as I can. Happy Blessed New Year! Keep safe, drink responsibly and have fun!

2014 Prayer

Heavenly Father
Giver of Life
I thank you for carrying me through this years strife
You gave me all that I needed to succeed
You lifted me when I fell
and comforted me when I wasn't well
There were times Lord,
when I felt like I was going overboard
but you kept me afloat
To you, Lord, my blessings I devote
for I would truly hate
 to think of what would be my state
if I didn't have You.
Oh Heavenly Father forgive me when I doubt
and when anger causes me to shout
As 2014 creeps upon us, 
my prayer is that You hear all the cries and prayers
of my friends and family
that you touch each person with your mercy and grace
and help them through all that they face
Father dear,
we humans tend to get ourselves into great binds
We get greedy hearts and hot headed minds
I pray Lord as 2014 begins you help us do our part
to do your work and listen for our calling
Lord convict our hearts when we do wrong 
and fill us with your love that keeps us strong
give healing where it is needed
and help lives be put back together 
that were destroyed by nasty weather
Open the eyes of the world leaders
in hopes that they may see a clearer picture
of what you've called them to do
Guide us all day to day 
and through each night
that we may keep you in our sight
Help us to lean on and trust in you
Lord, you are the rock on which I stand
the lamp in my darkness
The Almighty,
I pray 2014 begins with many lost souls finding their way to your light
and that we humans get it right
Thank you Father for your never ending love and faithfulness.
In the name of My Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Reason for the Season

The message is clear and shouldn't be saved for just the one day a year. When the day has passes let this prepare your heart for the year ahead in anticipation of the new year and for next Christmas season. Praise God for this gift, and may He bless you with his love and mercy. Merry Christmas and Blessings for a Prosperous New Year!

Reason for the Season

Leaves have fallen to the ground
Signs of winter all around
Nature as we see it
has gone to sleep
soon we'll be covered in a blanket
of snow so deep

A sad thought to ponder
yet it fills me with hope and wonder
As the snow begins to fall
up go the Christmas trees so tall

Round the roof tops
lights glisten
now lend me your ear
and to my story give a listen

Long ago in a far away land
comes a story so grand
of a carpenter and virgin from
whose womb a king would come
to save the people from all they had done
and close the gap between Earth and Heaven's Kingdom

The Lord sent a message through the Angel
to a young servant girl called Mary
of a babe she'll carry
that is God's own son
to which Mary replied "My Lord's will be done."
There was no palace for this king's birth
just a lowly stable hardly measuring up to his worth

Soon after the king arrived
a group of shepherds in a field near by
were told of this amazing event
and to the stable they went

Over taken by joy of their King's arrival
the shepherds ran to tell all
for the Messiah they waited for
was just beyond the stable door

Soon after danger loomed
An angel warned Joseph of a possible doom
protect the Christ child was his quest 
and so they headed West

From the Far East three strangers saw
a gleaming star and followed in awe
to see for themselves this promised King
to their knees they fell worshiping 
as they saw their Messiah.

As this child grew he began teaching parables to the masses
and healing many lads and lasses
Every where he went he left but one command
Love one another 
Love the Father.

Though simple to say, it's so hard to do.
So many people didn't follow through
The Father was not pleased
his anger needed to be appeased

To the cross He sent his one and only Son
and promised all sins would be undone
Eternal life is given to those who believe
that when Christ was born that eve
so long ago, the promise was fulfilled

So as we come nearer to Christmas Day
the moral to the story I have told
is The Father's love will never grow old
He always forgives, even when we don't deserve.

As you begin to immerse in holiday cheer
approach the cross with fear
but remain faithful and hopeful
that our Holy God Almighty
will be there to help us through
all of this calamity.

Merry Christmas to young and old
For Jesus birth is the reason 
for this season,
and if I may be so bold
I raise my hands in Praise
to God Almighty
for the gift He gave you and me!
Forever in my heart will this gift always be!

Monday, December 23, 2013

T'was the Ice Storm of 2013

I know for some the affects of the ice storm are not over but while sitting with no power yesterday, I thought about how I could show my gratefulness. So I came up with a poem about my experience in the ice storm. Despite the inconvenience we can be rest assured that God is with us even in this time. Stay warm for those who still have no power. Ours was out for 18 hours but I'm sure glad it was. It brought me back to the times before computers, iphones and tv. Almost wish it happened again.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Ice Storm

T'was two days before Christmas
when all through the house
the lights and furnace went out
we had to bring extra blankets for all
including the mouse
The ice storm came and delivered a punch
that sent trees and power lines into a bunch
The children all cried
as their computers died
With Momma in her woollens
and I in my long johns
we lit a big fire in hopes we'd be warm all night
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang down the stairs to see what was the matter
Over to the window I stumbled over some foreign matter
I gasped as I saw trees broken and scattered
The ice it had fallen
and encrusted the snow
it glistened as hydro lines fell low
then to my bed I went shivering and dreading
when the crews would be repairing and returning
the town to it's lustre and shine
I prayed by morning all would be fine
More crackles and bangs rang through the night
as winds whipped and whirled
branches into flight
Though the storm showed much sparkle and beauty
much destruction and trouble
is what we'd find under the icy rubble
Though bored out of their minds
my children managed to enjoy their time
spent with their parental kinds
So to The Lord I give thanks
for a few extra moments to ponder
only a few days before Christmas
and leave me filled me with hope and wonder
to start the new year full of much cheer!

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a WARM NIGHT!

Monday, October 28, 2013

My God Is

This is a different style that I don't normally do but I learned a lot and had some fun with it. I began with a list of things God is to me and from there I searched the Bible for parts of scripture to finish each line. I know there are hundreds of awesome things to say about our Lord but these are the key ones for me. I pray they are for you too. May God Bless you all in ways that only He can.
I have put at the bottom scripture references that I used in this piece. I hope you will take time to read each one along with the whole verse that goes with it. Have fun praising God along with me!

My God

My God is
My provider and knows all that I need
My counsellor whose instructions and teaching I must heed
My shoulder to cry on when I don't know where to go
He stretches out his hands against the anger of my foes
My daddy, my Father whose love is bestowed on me
My parent that I am commanded to obey
My shelter and shield that saves me in every way
My healer who takes away all my sickness
My restorer who leads me in the paths of righteousness
My strength and my song, my salvation

Though daily we live worried and troubled
He promises that He is the one thing needed.

Let Him be
Your counsellor, wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father
Your teacher who will teach you to love others
Your guide who will guide you into all the truth
Your Saviour who daily will bear your burdens and leave you with hope
Your Lord you can always trust with all your heart to help you cope.

My God is is always true
Never pretends or judges
Always forgives             
His love is with us all the time, 
and endures forever 
Let him create a pure heart in you and renew a steadfast spirit within.

Scripture References(most from NKJV or NIV)Mathew 6:32, Psalm 32:8, Psalm 138:7, 1 John 3:1, Colossians 3:20, Psalm 18:2, Deuteronomy 7:15, Psalm 23:3, Exodus 15:2, Luke 10:41-42, Isaiah 9: 6, John 16:13, Psalm 68:19, 1 Chronicles 16: 34, Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Floating in cool water.

During the summer I caught the most beautiful formation in the clouds. I tried to snap a picture but the clouds had moved by the time I was able to get the camera. I'm hoping this poem will paint that image for  you. I do have a picture of some of the formation that was shaped like a hand up to the wrist. Between the poem and the picture I hope it will paint the image for you that I saw.

Cool Waters

As I bathed in the cool waters
I was warmed by a sight above
The hand of the Holy Spirit encircled the sky
His fingers they stretched far and wide
His arms were covered in pure white wool
like that of a lamb

Though I lay in the water so cool
the sight of His hand warmed me through

As I lay still bathing in the cool waters
I could feel the Holy Spirit lift me
up from the water and hold me for a short moment
then He lay me down back into the cool waters
only to have a wave suddenly shake me back to reality

Though I lay in the water so cool
the sight of His hand warmed me through

As I lay still bathing in the cool waters
I was warmed further by a message
carried forth by the wind
"He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul"
The hand of the Holy Spirit then faded from the sky
but never from my heart

As I climbed out from the cool waters
and stood on the beach drying in the warm sun
I sensed he was near and
felt His breath whisper in my ear
"Be Still and know that I am God"

Never has such cool water warmed me so much
than that moment when I saw 
the Hand of the Holy Spirit across the sky.

Psalms 23 : 2,3 He leads me beside still water. He restores my soul
Psalms 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


HI Everyone
As it seems to become a tradition for me. Here is my annual Thanksgiving prayer.
God Bless you! 
I'd like to think of this as a Blessing and Prayer for everyday not just Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Blessing and Prayer

Thank you Lord for the earth on which we roam
Thank you Lord for the land on which we build our homes
Thank you Lord for the morning light
and the moon that gives light to the night
Thank you for the creatures big and small
for in some ways they are a blessing to us all

In these days when the air is cold,
it warms me through to know Your heart is pure like gold
It's over flowing love surrounds us like a glove
I am filled with joy and peace as I set my table here
and hope for my family and friends as they draw near
on this fine fall day
this blessing I will ask if I may

Lord, today I pray for peace and tranquility
in the hearts of all my friends and family
May you bless each heart with a perfect helping
of grace and healing
Serve up a delightful side of compassion and forgiveness
and please don't forget to top it off with and good scoop of mercy
Open all our eyes with hope and humble pies
then tuck into each heart a cup of Heaven's perfect tea
then lay each one down to rest with a careful touch of your joy and admiration 
Please pour this blessing onto every nation
near and far
to remind us all we are here because of who You are
Thank you Lord for giving us Your Son
so our sins could be undone.
May we always put our trust and faith in you
in everything we do
May we seek your blessing each and every day
and not just on Thanksgiving Day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Lord walks with me and I with Him

One day as I was out for a walk, I found myself feeling like someone was with me. I couldn't see him but I could feel him. His touch, his presence, all of Him. I just walked beside Him in silence but I somehow knew He was hearing me speak. I've had this feeling a few times before and it leaves me so peaceful and worry free each time. Have you ever had a walk with the Lord. It's an amazing time. I pray you get a chance one day to feel it.

A Walk with My Lord

As I walked down the street
there stood a figure in the distance
so radiant and sweet
He was so slender and tall
into his arms I thought I'd fall
As I drew closer his smile captivated my heart
Instantly from Him I did not want to part
I stood as if frozen in time
He reached out his hand
took hold of mine
up the stairs we climbed
No words spoken,
just silence and breath
I wondered if this were my climb to Heaven
and I began to quiver
He tightened his grip as if to comfort me
Across the field we walked in the breeze
The moment was as perfect as can be
 I dared not to spoil it with talk
every few steps he'd give my hand a squeeze
as if to put me at ease
No words spoken just silence and breath
My thoughts he must read
cause His company I sure did need
The feelings of love and tenderness as we walked along
Warmth flowed from his hand to mine
Oh how I wanted time to stand still
then out of the wind something whispered it was time to go
before ours hands pulled apart His gaze met mine
With a smile and a wink I knew I'd be just fine
Then I continued on my way
Back to reality I did come
although there maybe times when it seems I walk alone
My Lord is here with me wherever I am
Every day we have a choice to walk
burdened by troubles
or alongside The Lord free and at peace.
 that day I chose to walk along with Him.


Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

He Never Let's Me Escape His Eye

I don't really have much to lead into this poem. 
Mathew 6: 21 and Luke 12:34 say  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Where is yours?

Never Letting Me Escape Your Eye

For all the earthly treasures I sought before I searched for you
For all the desires I dreamt about before I desired you
For all times I went alone and turned from the Kingdom
I hang my head in shame

For all the deception I let seep into my heart
For all the greed I let take me over
For all the dishonesty I learned to live in
I bow my head in humility

When I went away, You stayed close by
never letting me escape your eye

For all the times You pulled me back onto my feet
For every time you caught me when I fell
For all my tears you dried when everyone turned away
I lift my hands in praise

For mending my broken heart
For carrying me when I was weary
For giving me the strength to go forward
I open my heart with adoration and thanksgiving

When I went away, You stayed close by
never letting me escape your eye

For all the blessings you shower over me
For keeping me special in your eyes
For being my friend and always loving me
I raise my hands and heart to you

For giving Your one and only treasure
to pay for the world's sin
For sending rainbows and keeping promises
For forgiving deception and greed
I'll trade in all my earthly treasures just to be
held by You in Heaven one day.

Cause When I went away,
You stayed close by
Never letting me escape your eye.

The Lord really is everywhere and with us always. Psalms 139: 7-10 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in [c]hell, behold, You are there.
9If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Take it to the Cross

We all have bad days. We face multitudes of problems, horrors, let downs, You name it we have them. It is not necessary to hold on to these burdens. There is something we can do about them. Something that so few people do. Believe me when I say this if you just listen to this advice, things WILL get better. There is something better. One day you will see. There's only one thing you must do:

Take it to the Cross
When your plate is full
and you have no more pull
Take it to the Cross
 When your bag is ready to burst
gather up your worst
Take it to the Cross
Fall down upon your knees
And Let your burdens be
 With Jesus' blood upon the cross
We are free to live in eternity
Open your heart in prayer
Jesus awaits
When your back’s against a wall
and you’re about to fall
Take it to the Cross
 When your world feels upside down
don't just sit and frown
Take it to the Cross
Fall down upon your knees
Let your burdens be
 With Jesus' blood upon the cross
We are free to live in eternity
Open your heart in prayer
Jesus awaits
 When temptation and darkness loom
And despair begins to bloom
Take it to the Cross
 When your neighbour does you wrong
Show them love and stay strong
Take it to the Cross
Fall down upon your knees
Let your burdens be
 With Jesus' blood upon the cross
We are free to live in eternity
Open your heart in prayer
Jesus awaits

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Your Love Surrounds

This weekend I was camping with my family and in laws. I was blessed with some time at the beach with my two sons. While they played I sat and marvelled at the splendour of God's creations. Each tree, curve in the edge of the lake, each noisy crow that woke me each morning. God's love comes beaming through all day long. I was very inspired and in complete awe, as I am everytime I get to spend some time admiring this beautiful country that God has placed me on.

Your Love Surrounds

Almighty God, your love surrounds me
From the tops of the pine trees
to the sand beneath my feet
Your love is there

Your love rises with the sun
and follows me until the day is done
Comforting me when my day goes sour
Your love stays with me every hour

As I focus my sleepy morning gaze
over a new day's haze
I see Your love shimmer back at me
through each branch of the tall pine tree

Here I sit with a coffee in hand
admiring this beautiful land
where My Lord you placed me to live
Oh what a precious gift to me you did give

Almighty God why do you love me so
surrounded by your love I must continue to grow
I know when I meet your grace and receive forgiveness
I can't possibly understand why you love me and my mess

Thank you My God for loving me
I do not deserve this gift of mercy
Oh My Yahweh, what would I do
if I didn't receive all this love from you

My Almighty God, may your love
forever pour down on me from above
and may I share this blessing
with all those I know and meet in passing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be Still

Being still and listening to Lord Our God is very difficult for some of us. We like to let human life get in the way making it harder to see God in our lives everyday. I've been learning just where to find God in my day to day comings and goings. It's been a struggle but it gets easier everyday. There are days when I've been really busy and haven't made time for scripture reading or prayers and I feel it. I get down. Here is my latest that helps pick me back up when I'm not finding my God.

Be Still

Be still and know
when pain and hurt head your way
He'll be there at the end of your day

Be still and know
when anger shows itself
He'll help you nail it to the shelf

 Be still and know
when frustrations rise
He'll be there loving and wise

Be still and know
when you are feeling lost
He'll guide you at no cost

Be still and know
When life is rough
He'll give you courage to stay tough

Be still and know
when days are dark and glum
He'll send you friends to show you fun 

Be still and know
when you feel your back against a wall
He's there to catch you when you fall

Be still and know
when the tears stream down your face
He's here to wipe them dry with His grace

Be still and know
when life is at a stand still
He's at work doing His will

Be still and know 
He's a forever faithful loving God

Be still and know 
that He is God
Be Still.

(psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted on the Earth)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Senseless tragedy affects us all

Folks, a few weeks ago we all became affected by the tragedy of the disappearance and eventually death of Tim Bosma. I'm sure I am joined by many when I say I worried with the family, mourned with the family and felt the pain with the family. To some degree this story has touched each of us, as does most tragedies. A few days after this story aired my heart felt heavy and the need to write a poem began. I've struggled what to put down because emotions were running high. I've tried to narrow down all that I have felt. So as a tribute to a man I not only never met and didn't know anything about, his family, and to anyone who has ever lost someone unexpectedly here are the only words I can seem to offer. I don't know what it will mean to any who read this but if anything I pray it turns our hearts to God.

Up from this mess

Oh Lord what is this mess?
Missing, vanished, violated
details unfolding leave us irritated
senseless, disgusting, demeaning
reasons that we are not understanding
a life from us removed today
and all we did was pray
Prayers for protection and safety
Prayers for peace from anxiety
Prayed day and night
Never letting hope from our sight
Hoping for God to rescue the soul
The world has one soul less
Heaven has brought him from this mess
Never to hurt
Never to fear
but forever he is near
Our hearts he will guide
yet we must hold him inside.
Yes there will be a hole oh so deep
but we cannot stay and weep
Our hearts will be heavy in sorrow
but with God there is always hope for tomorrow.
We must love and serve The Lord 
and one day Heaven will bring us up from this world
and it's mess so we too will 
never again feel hurt
never again fear
instead we'll live have a peaceful eternity with Him.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I must tell of my big brother and share him.

Some of us have big brothers, some of us don't. Some have friends that are like big brothers. Big brothers are great aren't they? They protect us, guide us, love us. Sometimes they hate us, fight with us, break our toys or get us into trouble. What if you could have a big brother that would take the rap for all the things you do wrong, and still love you? What would you do if you had a big brother who spent a life time paving the way for your spot in paradise and could show you the way to never ending treasures? Wouldn't you want a big brother like that? I know I would. There is such a brother. He is Jesus. He is your brother why not welcome Him home to your heart today?

Big Brother

I have a big brother
Who is like no other
his unending love pours down from the sky
it warms my heart and lifts me high

I have a big brother
who came from the virgin mother
to teach and tell 
of a message we don't listen to all to well

I have a big brother 
who came from the most amazing Father
He took the rap for all my sin
leaving me forgiven
and eternal life if I just believe

I have a big brother 
who is like no other
He's here for me and you
to love Him and Believe in him
is all we must do

Our big brother 
is here for us in any weather
Through every storm and trial
He'll walk the extra mile
He'll wait with arms open wide

Our big brother loves the poor and meek
restores us when we're weak
Brings us to the Father
when forgiveness is what we seek

Our big brother is as special as can be
I'm so thrilled to have a brother as he
His name means Savior
He gives me more than I could ever hope for.

I love my big brother
and He loves me
one day in Heaven
together we will be!

My Jesus my brother
took the rap for me
I cannot wait till forever 
with him  I will be.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

If all of the ......God's beauty is everywhere

I decided to have a bit of fun. When I think of God's creation and how much He loves everyone, I am filled with joy. I wanted to get in touch with my inner child and use my imagination to illustrate a way we can enjoy God's love for us. It follows the song "If all of the raindrops...." Enjoy and remember God Loves the World.

If all of the raindrops
were drops of Heaven's dew  
What a rain it would be
I'd stand outside 
with my face to the sky so blue
If all of the raindrops
were drops of Heaven's dew 
I'd be soaked

If all of the snowflakes were 
The Mighty Eagle's feathers
what a snowfall it would be
I'd stand outside with my arms open wide
to catch all that I could see
If all of the snowflakes were
The Mighty Eagle's feathers
I'd have one warm blanket

If all of the sunbeams
were God's love for us
what a sunny day that would be
I'd stand outside naked and free
so the beams would tan all of me
If all of the sunbeams 
were God's love for us
I'd truly be sunburnt

If all of the winds
held God's kisses
I'd stand on a mountain top
to catch each one and 
be sure He never misses
If all of the winds 
were God's kisses 
I'd want to be blown away!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

When Dreams speak ...

One night I had a dream that was so real. I can still feel the touches and breaths. It feels like I was really there in the moment. I have tried to capture that here.

He Spoke in My Dream

Warm, late summer breeze
feeling not at ease
Out to the meadow I did go
where I was going I did not know
My heart burned with desire
My soul thirsty and dry
Just kept walking and gazing
toward the sky
There's something out here
Oh my Yahweh, I cry
 Wish You'd come down from the sky 
to talk this out with me
Out from the shadow a figure I did see
dressed in white top, blue jeans 
red running shoes 
His sparkling blue eyes caught my gaze
as I shook myself out of a daze
he reached out his hands, my heart jumped
No words spoke just smiles
we began to stroll for miles
down the hills we would roll
as we laughed and talked
serious then silly, like life long friends
then on to the ground
we fell with a bound
head to head we lay
in the heat of the day
his breath I could feel
his touch so real
it seemed like time stood still
the clouds they rolled with the wind
as we lay gazing at the sky
we named each one as they passed us by
After what seemed eternity
we rose to our feet and this is what he said to me:
"Trust in Me, Lean not on your own 
understanding, I am with you always"
then with a hug and kiss on the cheek
the light of day into my eyes did peek.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
Mathew 28:20 And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Full of despair? Try this?

I am trying to work on some new ones, in the meantime, I thought I'd repost this as a reminder to many and a wake up to others.
The inspiration for this came from some messages I was getting while reading my daily devotionals and reading plans the one day. The thoughts of being broken and lost then being saved hung on my heart until these words poured out. I know of many people personally who are like the person talked about in the first and seconds stanzas. I pray for them everyday that one day they will be like the person in the final few stanzas. If you know someone today who doesn't already know The Lord, why not have them read this with you or some of my other ones.

Was and Am because of Him

I am broken,
dark and bitter,
guilty and full of shame
fit right into the evil one's game

I am scared
alone and discouraged
don't know where to go from this mess

Day in and day out
I have lived without
joy and peace
wanting and needing more.

Then you walked through my door
You told me to follow you 
You told me the enemy lied
following him, I'd have died
You placed in my heart everything I had to do

Under your wing I did go
rescued by your grace
no more would I be broken
no more would there be bitter darkness
Gone would be the guilt or shame
You've helped me beat 
the evil one at his own game

I am forgiven
free and humbled
washed clean by My Savior's blood

I am purified
saved and loved
that I've been chosen from God above

Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; 
it is the gift of God

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our God, I Trust!

With Easter approaching, The Bible series premiering this evening, I thought it most appropriate to post this poem. It's time to reaffirm your faith and love for Jesus Our Savior.

God of the Earth

He is God of the Earth
The God who gave us hope 
through His son's birth
for his death and rising 
we must keep praising
I trust El Shadai's plan
He has me in his hands 
He is my vessel in the storm
to my heart he will give form

Trust in him I will
to my cup overfill
with blessings from Heaven 
for me to share
with all those who care
join with me in a journey 
to the greatest place
one could ever dream

My God has room for you and me
but a change of heart there must be
lay down your sins at the cross
lift your hands to the sky
your heart may He emboss
in His mercy by His own hand
Be washed in the blood of His Lamb
Let yourself be clothed in His righteousness
and accept His forgiveness
For to live without my Yahweh
I would not even dare.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gram We Miss You Lots

February 21, 2013, Heaven welcomed one of the most beautiful, influential women in my life. My grandmother, who I loving call Grammie, went home to Heaven. She was due to turn 91 on March 7. As much as it hurts, it is a blessing to know that she is now living pain free, free from Alzheimer's and with her Savior that she has always adored. As we prepare to have our service later this coming week to say our final good byes I have composed something to illustrate just what Grammie meant to me. May the legacy she left behind remain in our hearts forever. I love you Grammie. Goldie as her children and friends would call her.

Goldie Burk(March 7, 1922-Feb 21, 2013)

Grammie Has Gone Home

Years ago The Lord brought into my life
a very special lady who was loving and kind
who taught me kindness and unconditional love
At a time when i hadn't known
just which family to call my own
Her words were gentle and inspiring
Her ears listening quietly to the music I did make
even when it would make the earth shake

I knew it then and i know it now
right from the start her love for me was true
She prayed as her days went by 
 for blessings on my siblings and I
We felt it all the time especially when
She baked us yummy treats
Like the best blueberry pie

Gracious and loving
caRing and sweet
Always abiding by the Lord’s word
Memorable moments have been planted in her mind
Many she's locked 
Inside heart as she eagerly awaited 
Eternal happiness with her Saviour! 

Her time here on Earth has been long and full
The blessings she leaves behind are wonderful
Amazing care to her family she gave so well
Each of us with different memories and stories to tell
of this amazing woman we call Gram

Even though, I'm sad to see you leave
Grammie dear, I truly do believe
I'll meet you again one day
where we can again play
all the games and rhymes we would do
The lessons of life I learned from you
Will forever stay with me

Worry not for those you leave behind
for The Lord has a plan for them in mind
It's been a long and weary journey
and now Grammie, 
you are in the best place you can be.
Enjoy yourself and be at peace.
I love you and miss you.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.