Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Who needs a four leaf clover when we have Our Lord Above?

We all have our good luck charms, our little things we do to hope for better mornings after really crappy days. I made a choice not too long ago to change my good luck charm and all I need to do is open my heart and believe. It's been working for me. I've got all the luck I need. I know where my rainbow will end.

Don't Need a Four Leaf Clover

At the end of the day 
I'm worn and in disarray
So hungry I could eat a horse
but that would be wrong of course
Phone ringing, children screaming
I can feel the evil one scheming
to get under my skin
and tempt me to sin
Be gone I say to it
In God's plan for me you do not fit
My days are written in the Book of Life
complete with instructions for daily strife
No matter what comes my way
My Lord's hand is never too far away
With the setting of the sun
I know that with my prayers all will be undone
For today is over
I do not need a four leaf clover
to worry about my luck for tomorrow
The Lord will give me what I need
whether I'll face joy or sorrow
To Him I give my life's lead.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Prayers for My Grammie

There is a very special lady in my life. Her name is Goldie. She is my last living Grandmother. She is nearing 91 and has altzheimer's. She has been ill lately and is on the weak side. As I pray for her peace and God's comfort for her, can I ask that you join me. We know she will be going home soon and we want to remember her the way we knew her best. The picture takes was a few years ago at Christmas time. My boys had bought her a teddy bear. The poem I wrote a while back but I was saving it for the right moment. That moment is now. This one is for my Grammie(as well all call her).

Lord please if my Grammie is on her journey home to you please help her to be at peace and in your comfort. Amen


    Gracious and loving
    caRing and sweet
Always abiding by the Lord’s word
Memorable moments stuck in her mind
Many locked in to take with her
In hopes of living in
Eternal happiness with her Savior!
My Grammie so special is she
that she's has been left here a while longer you see
For it is He who is not ready for her
I know it is for Him she yearns
But not just yet Gram; Not yet your turn
Soak up those visions and smiles
So you have stories to tell
when you go up to Heaven to dwell
We will miss you oh for sure
But rest assured Our Savior will take care of us all.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Feathered Friend to Help Me Through

It's gardening time again. A time when I push my physical limits and strain my joints and muscles, in hopes of creating a beautiful masterpiece in my garden. I over do it every year, physical labour that is. Then I got to thinking today as I was digging hard and planting shrubs and a little Robin came flying in for a tasty treat. I happened to be pulling up some nice juicy worms. You see, The Lord tries to reach us in many ways. Most of the time we are so concentrated on what is going on in our life or how perfect we think we need to be that we don't give enough attention to God's signals to us. He is pretty persistent as well as patient with me. The Lord sends his "little" feathered friends to woo me and to remind me that he's got the flowers and trees covered. I need not strain myself so hard. I probably will still drain myself until I reach my "perfect" garden but sure do love His attempts to slow me down.
 Feathered Friends in a Dream

Calmness of the morning air
the breeze light and fair
A blazing sun peaks through the sheers
My eyes open
to the miracle of a new day
As I breathe my first breath of the day
A mother robin's song comes my way
With a smile on my face
I think whom do I thank for such beauty and grace?
The dark of night is gone
time to get a move on
One more minute I linger and
 ponder who has created all this?
Then mother robin sings to me
"The Lord God Almighty has done all this.
He wants to give you more
but He can't till you open that door."
Off she flew
Left me not knowing what to do
Open what door?
"Your heart" sings now the sparrow
"Open your heart and let His love flow" called Mother crow
Wait, did I hit my head?
Why are all these birds 'round my bed?
Who is this Lord they chirp about?
When can I give Him a shout?
"Now" said the finch as it swooped in and gave me a pinch
HOW? I grumbled in pain
"Ask Him to come" tweeted the bluejay on my window pane
WHY? I did blurt
"So He can bring healing for your hurts, peace to your heart
and eternal life to your soul"
All the birds then surrounded me
took my clothes in their beaks 
and lifted me gently high
into the sky
Paralyzed in fear I was as we flew towards a figure in white
A voice called to me that gave me a fright
"Don't be afraid, Just Believe"
But what if I fall?
"Do not be afraid for I am with you"
I've been doing fine
Will you join your heart to mine?
Can you promise to keep me forever and catch me when I fall?
"Oh child of mine, I've only ever wanted the best for you. 
It's why I do what I do"
Then the birds turned me about
and flew me home
Thank You Lord I did shout
once again in my bed
where the breeze was lite 
and the sun gave way to the night
My covers tucked around me
my eyes closed as I wondered
Was this a dream?

Mark 5:36 Don't Be Afraid, Just Believe
Gen 26:24 Do no be afraid, for I am with You

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Infectious Faith

I have been infected with the most amazing super bug ever! There is NO antidote, no vaccination that can cure me of this. The only infection control I will use against this is to simply spread it more. I do hope I infect you today! This is one infection that you need to catch! Don't fight it you NEED it!


When faith seeps in
there's nothing you can do
to keep it away from you
It seeps in slowly through the cracks
It hides within and pierces like a pin
the weakened heart in need of strength
that stems from needs so grand
that can only be fulfilled by the Mighty Hand
It can be infectious, this faith of ours
So go ahead jump into waters deep
'cause it's this infectious faith
that your head above water it keeps
Bathe in its richness
Exfoliate the dirt from you soul
Contaminate the world around you
with this infectious faith you have found
of our Lord Almighty
Go ahead in faith and infect someone today!

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Quarrel

This post is probably my most ambitous yet. How can I describe it? Hmmm, it's basically like a similar conversation to the one I had with God before I gave my heart to Him. I think it's what alot of people struggle with every day. I finally gave in to His attempts in August of 2010.  It was the best decision I ever made.
I'm not going to say anymore on it but let you decide for yourself- Would your conversation end the same way? Have you had this "quarrel" with The Lord yet? If not- Why not?

The Quarrel

You are there and see all that I do
I shut my curtains but you stay
Why won't you go away?
Where can I go from you Spirit?
Where can I flee from your Presence?
Can't you see I'm just fine on my own

I am your beacon in the dark
I will lead you through any storm
I see you stand all alone
I call to you but you turn away
I won't leave you this way
You mean so much more to me
Why won't you come towards my light
I'll remain here day and night
longing for you to come my way

I hide from your beacon 
 I won't let you see
the filth and scum I've become
These tattered clothes that fall
I want to curl in a little ball
How can you long for someone as dirty as I

My precious one, my love for you
is here for the taking 
but I will wait the day when you come to me
Your dirt and scars scare me not
by my side is where you ought to be
it pains my heart to see you lost and alone
Come to me my special one
Let me lift you
to where the eagle soars o'er the mountains
I'll fly you through the valleys
Sail with you along the fiercest streams
Come to me

How could you want me so much
I've done everything to ignore you
You intrigue me
but something about you causes me fear
I want to trust you
I am Scared to be closer to you

For you I gave my life
I'll wash you as clean as white
I'll protect you with all my might
Please dear one, reach your hand to me
Let me show you the road to eternity

Will I fall along the way?
What will I have to pay?
I still can't understand how I'll be made so clean and white
Why do you pursue me so much?

Because I love you

How can you love someone so wretched as me?

I created you to be like me
I created the Earth to provide for all your needs
I only ever wanted the best for you
I only ask you to trust and love me

HA! See a condition, I knew there was......Wait hold on
Love? Trust? and I'll be yours forever?and you'll be mine?
How can I be sure?

Give me your heart, Trust in Me, Seek me
I'll fill your heart with everlasting hope and love

OKAY! Well then
Take me Lord, to heights I've never been
Places I've never seen
Wash away my filth, make me clean
I vow to love you and trust you!
all the living days here on this earth

I abide in you and you in me
I'll not leave you or forsake you
When you call I will come.
I am the truth, the light and the life. 

Psalms 139:7(used in !st stanza)
John 15:4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Joshua 1:5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Morning Prayer

My Morning Prayer
Even though I pray daily, sometimes life gets tough and in the way and prayer life dwindles. I lik to refer back to this prayer when that happens. You are welcome to make it your prayer. May this prayer help you to rekindle your time in the morning with God or help you to begin a new season with Him by your side.

With Me All Day Long

Nothing in this world measures up to you
You are my first breath of the day
My thoughts go to You as I feel the sun's first ray
My table is set with my daily bread
Your word it nourishes me
O Heavenly Father
Stay with me a while
Let me be wrapped in Your love
as I start my day
Steer me when I go astray
Walk with me
Talk with me
I want to feel You with me all day long
And if I should grow weary
allow me please to lean on You
For I know it will do me best
When things go wrong send me some Grace
and show me your way
As I end my day be a light to guide me home
Wrap me in your warmth
and tuck me in your forgiveness
Be my bedtime story
Thank you Lord for my day
without You I cannot make my way

Sunday, January 13, 2013


We all have a Mother. They always hold a special space in our hearts. Whether near or far, Mother's always know the right thing to say and when to say it. I wrote this for my daycare children for their Mother's Day Tea a few years ago.  Though it was written for my day care children to celebrate their moms, I wanted to share it with everyone as a tribute to my mothers. I was blessed to have 2 moms in my life. My mother who gave birth to me and my mother who adopted me and raised me. Though my birth mother went home to be with the Lord over 18 years ago, she is still with me in my heart.  Both of my mothers hold a special place in my heart and I thank The Lord God each day for these to very special women in my life!

Mothers are tender as a rose
Mothers kiss us beneath our nose
Mothers scold us when we are wrong
Yet always make sure we know we belong
Each mother is one of a kind
There is no other 
Like another
You can try to look but you won’t find
Mothers have a special gift
To share with us each and everyday
So on this special day in May
We wish our Mothers well
and tell them they are swell
Many thanks to God for our Mother’s 
Cause who else could we smother
With lots of ooey gooey kisses and hugs
To our Mothers dear we say

Friday, January 4, 2013

Nothing Left to Pray

There was a time when I really didn't know where my life was leading or who should I go to for help. I searched for purpose and meaning but never found it. When I opened my heart to God that all changed. I finally began living with purpose and meaning. Praise The Lord.

Nothing Left to Pray

There used to be a day
when I felt there was nothing left to pray
In this world I could not find my place
but then I saw Your face
Your smile how it comforted 
Your eyes how they mesmerized 
Your glow how it lured   
Your arms how they held
me firm

It felt as though my body had melted
like ice in the heat
for every hurt and pain you did defeat
every sin you blotted out
but left me without a doubt
that when I grow weary and fall
You are there with Your all

You'll carry me with all your strength and might
and Your love for me will always be known
You'll walk with me day and night
and sometimes You will let me walk on my own
but never will I be truly alone
As long as you are in me and I am in you
I'll have each day so much to pray

John 15:4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Prayer for 2013

A few years ago The Lord knocked on my door many times before I finally listened to Him. Since then I've been on such an incredible journey. I can't help but tempt everyone to take this journey. It is different for everyone but the basics are pretty much the same. I want to start off 2013 to challenge those who have never taken the plunge and followed The Lord to make that one of your own challenges this year. To start you off I offer this prayer on your behalf. I'm not a professional, I'm not a pastor or anything along that lines. I am one of God's children calling my brothers and sisters to seek his kingdom. I leave you with this prayer. It's up to you what you do with it from here. God does answer prayer, give it a try. Happy New Year!
My Prayer for 2013

Oh Dear Father in Heaven
As the year 2012 comes to an end
thank you for all the love and mercy 
to your children you did extend
You carried us when we felt we can go no more
I can't help but adore You, our Eagle in the sky
Oh Lord most high come near
and listen to my prayer
for the new coming year
I pray for your guidance and protection
for the one who lives on the street
and the one who waits for treatment
I pray for good health and wealth
for all my family and friends
and please Father
bring some strength to the weak
shed some light in the lives of the meek
Restore hope to this world in such turmoil and loss
Open our eyes to Your Glory
Our heart to accept Your Gifts
Lead us to green pastures
and beside Your still waters
Teach us to listen to your voice
and know when you are near
Bless us all Father with Your grace, mercy and undying love
Keep watch on us from above
Send the angels down to us to remind us to repent 
and seek your hand
For you Father are the reason we are here
May this stay in our hearts all year
We place our trust in you
for thine is the kingdom
the power and glory be yours forever
In Christ Jesus name

About Me

My photo
We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.