Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Frozen in Fear

Proceed to read with care and caution.....We hear about this, we see this, some of us even experience this. This is one of the worst acts against any human being, not only violates, rights but leaves lifetimes of scars not just for the victim but for families too. This thing I speak about is abuse. It is done in so many ways, I'm not going to mention them all. There is the most common physical or sexual abuse but what about the unseen abuse. Ya, you know the verbal, emotional, mental abuse. The kind where the victim is told there aren't worth much, or mind games are played or ones emotions are used against them. It's ugly but it happens. It happened to me. I endured it for 8 years before I was free of it. It's taken me this long to face the hurts and crush the lies he told me. It was only through the Grace of God that I was able to face my past hurts and set myself free of this bondage. These chains were attached to me and kept me from opening my heart truly to The Lord. But not only that they kept me from seeing who I really am. This past weekend, I received the peace and the know how to set me free and forgive myself for letting me get into that situation. I had forgiven, my abuser but I never forgave myself. This time has come. I stand here free of the hurts, lies and scars that I've held in my heart all this time. After I had discovered this on my heart, I wanted to let my feelings flow out and be put to words. So I wrote a poem about it. Everything came flooding back of what I felt during that time, only this time I'm on the outside standing and watching and feeling, the anger, the sorrow, the lost, the worthlessness etc... Writing this helped chase all that away. After pondering on it for awhile I prayed and asked The Lord what should I do now with these words. He answered me by telling me it's time to share my story. So here it is in a nutshell. I'm sharing this tonight in hopes that somewhere out there I am words of encouragement for any person who is suffering any kind of abuse whether is is physical or emotional or mental. It's wrong and you need to get out. Stop sitting there feeling like you are worthless cause you know what YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and there is the ONE who can help you to feel that again. Turn to The Lord for He sees you as nothing but BEAUTIFUL. both men and women. Tonight's entry is quite graphic. I welcome comments or thoughts. IF anyone knows someone suffering abuse pass this on to them. May God Bless your Healing, whoever you are.

Frozen in Fear 

She sits frozen in fear
As he comes near
His eyes are black
His face is tense
Chills crawl up her back
Not a muscle she will move
His anger is at it’s worst
With every step he takes
She hopes it will improve
What will she witness today
Knife roulette?
Knuckle Rub?
Through his glare he’ll ask her again
What she liked to see
Still frozen in fear
She’ll mumble her words
In hopes he won’t hear
Then comes the lies
She’s told she must believe
He tells her that only he loves her
So she will not leave
She’s nothing without him
and her life will be so grim
He says
Fearfully obedient in his arms she settles in
As he gives her a wicked grin
OH the power he has over her
Night draws near 
So does fear
What has he in store for her tonight?
Loving and sensual
Or forced on her with all his might?
How dare she put herself through this?
Does she think this is wedded bliss?
Quick there’s the door
Wait he’s angry and coming back for more
When will this end?
She thought he was her best friend
What has she done?
She must not be loving him enough
Why else would he do this stuff
She knows there is better but cannot seem to leave
For she is frozen in her fear 
with the lies she’s told to believe
As days go by she learns to hide
all within her heart
cause she’s pledged to stay with him
till death do they part
oh the nights she cried
but could never leave
once she tried
yet again the lies he did tell
To keep hold on her
did she not know
to safety she could go
she began to pray for help
little did she know
help was already on the way
on that unexpected day in May
he finally set her free
He turned and drive into the night
Releasing her from years of pain and fright
Thanks to the Lord for hearing her prayer
It took oh so long for her to see
That someone else cares
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is what she’d hope to one day find.

Friday, September 28, 2012

My group of Steel Magnolias

The wonderful thing about life is you don't have to do it alone. God sends people into our lives for a purpose. Most times we call them friends, sometimes they are co workers and sometimes they are just people to make life seem not so bad. People can be in our lives for a lifetime or just a short while. One thing I've learned is there is always someone out there for everyone when they need. I've often felt alone and had no one around but in the past few years some ladies have come in to my life and a time when I needed someone the most. We all have different backgrounds but are similar in our stories, strengths and walks with The Lord. We are all broken but mended. We are vulnerable to attacks from the evil one but together we are hard as steel and cannot be broken. Under it all we are delicate flowers. With the strength we draw from each other and God's love for all of us we are the Steel Magnolias. Well ok yes we borrowed the title from the 80's movie featuring a group of amazing , beautiful ladies. The title just fits our little group so well. So here is a mini story about MY Steel Magnolias that The Lord brought into my life to help me with my walk.

Steel Magnolias

Strong and delicate
Hearts of gold
Young not yet old
A group of ladies
He has called together
To fight their stormy weather
For in a bunch they can pack a punch
To the evil that does lurk
They will send packing
That big jerk!
Always will they turn
Their eyes upon their prize
Way high up beyond the bright blue skies
Their open hearts they send up darts
To their lover in the sky
In hopes of snagging he who dwells on High
To serve and love their Lord above is their goal
But often are hated for their role
Yet from High above he pours on strong
Enough love and courage
For the ladies to defend against wrong
He makes them strong like steel 
And beautiful as magnolia flowers
They are the ladies loving Jesus
Diminishing the evil one’s powers
The Steel Magnolias together for
The glory of the Lord
Ladies Loving Jesus.

Deuteronomy 3:24O Sovereign Lord, you have begun to show your servant your greatness and strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do deeds and mighty works you do?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Eye of Heaven

One night awhile back, I looked up into the early evening sky I saw two white dots in the sky. They were perfectly positioned as if they were a set of eyes. I stood and stared for a minute and soon began to feel comfort come over me. I knew in a minute they must be Eyes from Heaven looking down at me. Even a picture couldn't capture this image. I'm hoping these words will. He is everywhere, just stop and take the time to notice, the Lord's beauty sometimes. It does a soul good.

The Eyes of Heaven

The eyes of Heaven shine so bright
each night
the Shepherd with his watchful eye keeps watch
as he strives to keep us safe
though some of us obey
many go astray
though we nothing to fear
  he’ll keep watch with the eyes of Heaven.
The eyes of Heaven they see so clear.
They see it all,
when we climb or fall.
They see when we win
and surely when we sin.
All we do is seen by
the eyes of Heaven.
We are never alone
With those eyes of Heaven.
The eyes of Heaven
they comfort me,
they follow me,
no matter where I go.
The eyes of Heaven, they keep watch when we go afar
never letting us stray from their sight
those beautiful eyes of heaven
OH they shine so bright!
Psalm 139:7-10 Where can I go from you Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of the sea even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Live for Today :) !

So many of us worry about tomorrow but we forget to live today. Everyday the Lord pours out his blessings but most of us miss them. It's hard in today's world to let go of worry and live just today but we need to try. Live in this moment right here, right now. If tomorrow never comes are you filled with peace and love today? Despite your circumstances cast your worries to the Heavens, you may find you are blessed more than you can imagine.

Living for Today

We say so often: Live for today ‘cause tomorrow may never come.
But what is tomorrow?
Is it another chance to win big?
That promotion you’ve been waiting for?
The I’m-getting- lucky- day?
Tomorrow is none of the above
Tomorrow is His promise that He’ll be back
It’s one more chance to live eternally
One more crack at getting it right and being saved
Tomorrow will always be there
The question is:
Do you have what it takes for your tomorrow if the Lord comes today?
Have you asked for forgiveness?
Have you opened your heart to Him alone?
Have you shed your skin of sin for your Heavenly cloak?
It’s all you need for tomorrow
So if The Lord comes today will you feel sorrow?
The Lord is always to give you what's needed for today
Why start your day without?
For to live in daily doubt
will steal from away
All His blessings meant for you.

Revelation 21:6-7 He said to me “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who over comes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


After hearing a sermon from a guest speaker at our church, based one these three things: LIVE* LOVE<3 LAUGH:) , I really thought about what those 3 words mean to me. This is what I came up with.

Live, Laugh, Love

Lifetime I’ve searched
In my heart for purpose, worth and 
Very much for someone to share
Everything I have and am

Little did I know
A purpose for me was already here
Unmistakably, completely, amazingly
God has had a plan for me
Heaven’s call for me

Leaves me feeling full
Of hope and admiration
Very much for forgiveness, mercy and
Everlasting salvation.

Worried Mom

This was written for a friend of mine when she was about to let her son go on a journey far away from home. She struggled and worried but in the end the decision was made not for him to go due to other circumstances. She knows who she is. I know she's struggling with a few issues right now so I wanted to post this in hopes it will encourage her as well as any other mothers out there who are worried about their children. Whether it be that they are away at university or run away or just simply have a sleep over. The Lord is with us and our children no matter where we are. Give your worries to the Lord. His watching over your children.

Prayer for a Worried Mom

Dearest Lord
Please take the worries of my friend
And crumble them into a ball
Then crush them to pieces with 
Your Mighty Hand
Throw them far away
Replace them with strength and courage
Fill her heart with love and anticipation of the stories yet to come
When her son returns home
And while he is away
Keep her thoughts directed on those who stay
And keep her worries at bay
I pray You throw an extra dose of strength and courage her way
I pray this day for my friend
That she takes from You trust
That her little man will be just fine with us
We’ll open all our hearts to him and 
Blanket him with all the love 
Just as he has at home
Thank you Lord for giving us this chance to help a friend
Please help us to make this a memorable one for her young son
Bless my friend, a worried mom
With all the blessings You can give.
In our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s name

Mathew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own

Monday, September 24, 2012

His overflowing Grace

Changing from wordly ways to Godly ways is tough. We get so wrapped up in the treasures of this world made by man that it consumers us. We end up missing the important moments. I think the hardest thing to grasp after making the choice to turn to the Lord is understanding how God forgives and gives grace just by your faith in Him. It doesn't mean you can keep doing the wrong this but it does mean if you mess up, you can be forgiven. His Grace is more than enough for me.

Your Amazing Grace Overflows

When things go sour
And I take the wrong path
I prepare to meet your wrath
Though when I admit my sin
Your mercy and grace overflows within
But still sometimes I turn and look
For my own way to get through the day
So many moments lost
So much wasted time
Obedient yes I should have been
While I waited for You to come on scene
Yet I still receive your Grace
I’ve lost some joy and peace by turning away
You still forgive me?
Never shall I turn from You 
From now until eternity
I’ll be right here praising you
and growing in Your amazing Grace
Oh my Lord, Dear Sweet Lord
For everyday that comes to an end
My heart to You I will extend
As I will follow You all the rest of my days.

Romans 2:3-4So when you a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness; tolerance and patience not realizing that God’s kindness lead you toward repentance.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Where Are You God?

This is especially for new believers or believers who just can't get to where they ought to be. Sometimes no matter what it feels like He is not there. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong place. Sometimes we need to just be silent and we'll see that He is always there. It's not Him who is not present but it is we who are not tuned in. There are days that no matter how much I pray or search I just don't feel Him with me. I've learned that it's because I'm too busy searching and not spending enough time just listening and waiting. I think you'll find that once you let go and give God the chance to be present in you, He'll be right where you want Him to be. He'll be right beside you holding your hand. It's something sometimes we resist and this is where your Faith begins.

Where Are you God?

Where are you God?
Why can’t I see you?
I need to see you now
But don’t know how
Please show me Lord
How I can see you today?

Where are you God?
Why can’t I feel you?
I need to feel your touch now
But don’t know how
Please show me Lord
How can I feel you today?

Where are you God?
Why can’t I hear you?
I need to hear you call me now
But don’t know how
Please show me Lord
How can I hear you today?

Where are you God?
Why can’t I taste you?
I need to taste your sweetness now
But don’t know how
Please show me Lord
How can I taste you today?

Where are you God?
Why can’t I smell you?
I need to smell your aroma now
But don’t know how
Please show me Lord
How can I smell you today?

Where are you God?
I want to sense you 
But I’m not sure how
Please Lord show me now
Show me you are here today!

Psalms 86:6-7 Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yet To Come

One day shortly after I gave my heart to The Lord, I really started getting excited for something. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As I learned more about the Gospel, I started figuring it out. In the midst of what seems an never ending battle of worldly stresses, I am comforted to know that one day it will all end. One day there will be no more crying, pain, disease, hurts. One day we will see this world turn back to joy, peace and everything it was meant to be. Now isn't that something to be excited for? My best days are yet to come, even though I have lived some of the best already.

Yet to Come

Best day of my life
Has yet to come
I pray forgiveness for all I’ve done
I know I tried
But always fell short
To You I always cried to make it right
By all your might 
Lord they tell me You are amazing
You are not like anything
That which you’ve created here on Earth
But yet You came to us through birth
And look what we did to You
How can I expect the best day of my
 life to be still ahead of me?
For the promise You would return
to bring us home still remains
Oh how I await that day
This Earth will be in such disarray
Oh but the joy You will bring
I can’t help but sing
My Saviour will come!
My Saviour’s work will be done!
I await my love
Who is coming from above!
Shout out loud
For the coming of the Lord!
Hooray for this day!

2 Peter 3:8-9But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. They Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.

Psalms 40:1-2I waited patiently for the Lord: he turned to me and heard my cry, He lifted me out of the slimy pit out of the mud and mire

Friday, September 21, 2012


OK ok I know, why do I keep posting older poems instead of new ones? Well it's simple I'm so busy and preoccuipied my thoughts just don't come out. My older poems capture what my heart has felt, does feel or just a simple word of encouragement. For my regular readers, you'll know when I have edited one of my older poems. For now I am collecting so many ideas, I feel I will be composing again soon. So please keep reading it will encourage me. God Bless All!

Have you ever thrown yours hands up and been frustrated because something came your way you weren't expecting? Could be a smile from someone when you are in a bad mood, or traffic jam or a "Be back in 5 Mins sign" We experience them everyday. Sometimes they drive us crazy cause it's not what is in our plan for that day or time.  It isn't about what we have planned. It's about what He has planned for us. Sometimes the Lord sends us little things to interrupt something that might not be what He has planned for us, or we are just going to fast to notice. So as frustrating as things may get maybe we need to slow down and take a better look at who has us on His hook. I know I've had many moments like these. Like for example last year I was coming home from work and had to stop at the bank to get money for my babysitter. I stopped at the bank and was grumbling to myself when some guy on roller blades whizzed by me, startling me. He looked at me and smiled and said" Smile it's a gorgeous day!" My answer was,"Not it's been horrible!" Then off he went, never to be seen again. But then I got to thinking, maybe it wasn't such a bad day. Now when I think of that day, I don't even remember what I was frustrated about but I do remember the guy's smile! It's them little things......

(With the Little Things)
Wake Up
Clean Up
Dress Up
Warm Up
Drive Up
Throw your hands Up
It seems the only way to go is UP!
But what about when we want to give Up?
Do we ever look Up?
Do we ever ask Him for help?
Nah, we mostly just stand and yelp.
We fill our hearts with much nonsense
And leave little room for all those little things
Ya those little things thrown in our way
To help our day
The little things we often toss aside
Like mere interruptions sent as messages 
From way up in the sky
To tell us to slow down
And not let life slip on by
Grab hold when the Heavens throw down
Those little things to lift you up
The value of life may be hidden inside
Those little things we like to ignore
And keep us up tight 
As we keep up the fight
Another moment lost in selfish ways
This is not how we should spend our days
So pay attention to those little things that tug your heart
It is what keeps us and Him apart
The only thing we should be raising up
Is our heart to God who loves us so
Before you dress up and go
Look up!
And enjoy a cup of everlasting love 
From above!

Mathew 11:28 Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Robin

One day back about the 3rd weekend in May, I had set out to plant my garden. Since my husband was out of town I was on my own. Physically demanding but I could do it, or so I thought. The more I got into the task, the more difficult it became. After a short bit I started to feel worn out and like I couldn't go on. I started praying for someone to come along. But there was no one. Well so I thought. God heard my prayers and sent me the robin you see above. I didn't see the connection  for a few minutes but when I did I was in awe and soon finished my garden. This is my 3rd year with a garden. I'm no where near an expert but this is my best year of gardening so far. I owe it all to this mama bird who went searching for worms while I tilled my soil by hand, and to the Lord my God who sent me help when I needed it most. 

The Robin

Straining task today I had
And boy am I glad
I prayed to You my Lord 
For strength to make it through
I prayed to be held up by You
Cause fatigue was all I could feel
Your arms I needed around me
 Strong as steel
I prayed for a helper
You sent a little chirper
Why I asked?
Why would You send me a tiny bird Lord?
She couldn’t help me,
How absurd!
As the day progressed a realization came to me
You sent little miss robin with 
A message as plain as can be
If a creature as small as she
Can provide food for her family
Then so can I
I asked for strength you sent me a bird
Reminded me of Your word 
That with You all things I can do
So I pressed on feeling renewed.  
The task is now complete
The feelings of inability are in defeat
I pray now for the gift of a green thumb
To provide an abundance of food
For my family with love from mom.
Thank You O Lord
For reminding me to take it to your word
When I feel smaller than a bird
My little helper the robin
Who would have thought 
You’d use her for Your message to be taught. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Unchangeable, Unbreakable

This is for anyone who feels they can't go on anymore, feel they are not loved by anyone, or just having an off day. There is One who Loves you NO MATTER WHAT the circumstance. It's always the same.

Unchangeable, Unbreakable

There is a love so deep and grand
It’s freely given by his hand
It’s love at its purest
Finer than the gems on earth
It’s with you long before your birth
This love is with us all day long
Even when you do wrong
Unchangeable, unbreakable
Reliable, unfathomable
It’s there for the taking
No strings attached
Like a river flowing forever 
So will the love
Debris may slow the flow but 
Faith will help it flow
Unchangeable, unbreakable
Reliable, unfathomable
It’s there for the taking 
No strings attached
It can only come from One
It’s deep and everlasting
No matter what you do
It’s there for you
Unchangeable, unbreakable
Reliable, unfathomable
It’s there for the taking
No strings attached
This is God’s love
Once you’ve experienced it 
You’ll want more
To receive this love, simply open the door
To your heart and let it in
Unchangeable, unbreakable
Reliable, unfathomable
It’s there for the taking
No strings attached
God’s love, Remarkable!

Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the questionable future, nor any powers, neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It only took a spark

One day I was listening to a song called "Pass it On"...... "It only takes a spark to get a fire going.........". You get the idea. It's such a simple song with a simple concept but it's the hardest one to grasp. I got to thinking how it only took a few dozen sparks for my flame to start but it's blossomed into a huge inferno in my heart. This is the kind of inferno I don't mind spreading cause I don't want it to go out. I want it to consume each and every one of us. So let it spark yours today.

Flame Around My Heart

Flicker of a flame burns a frame around my heart
it's fuel is my desire to not be apart
Its heat is strong
It’s branded to my soul
Forever fills the hole
Hope and faith to it feeds
The flame inside me grows
It only took a spark
To pull me from the dark
Salvation and eternity
Is the path it will burn for me
Hope and faith to it feeds
The flame inside me grows
So long as the flame will burn 
So shall my desire for Him
For to live without My Lord
Would leave the flame flickering
Forever searching
Hope and faith to it feeds
The flame inside me grows
Let it forever engulf my heart
Never ceasing to burn
For my Lord is who I yearn
Let no one keep us apart
Hope and faith to it feeds
The Flame inside me grows
Around my heart forever will it burn.

Solid Rock

A while ago I had the pleasure of watching The Second Chance starring Michael W Smith. I was so capitvated by the movie right from the start. I felt each emotion of the actors as each scene went by, I wanted to get in there and help. So I got to thinking about what else I could be doing here in my own life. The movie stirred alot within my heart but what it also did was remind me of the solid rock on which I stand. I was in sinking sand but I was pulled up by the Lord. I was rescued. Immediately I thought of this piece that I wrote just over a year ago. I know The Second Chance is an older movie but it's worth the watch over and over. Thus, here is "The Rock". It's short and sweet however the point is there, The Lord is My Rock! The picture shown above was my rock family I made when I was just 8 years old. My family and I attended a church camp. I learned then that the Lord is our foundation. My mom kept it all these years. It now sits on my dresser as a daily reminder of this promise.

The Rock

My house is built upon the strongest rock around
Held firmly in the ground
When pressure mounts and comes closing in
I dare not care at all
For I stand upon a rock solid and round
It lifts me to new heights
In which I can only find delight
No matter where I stand 
It protects me from sinking in the sand
The rock is smooth and round
if I fall to the ground
I reach up and grab hold of the Mighty Hand
Reaching down from above
Stretched out from the one I love
He lifts me back up on the rock
For as long as my house is built upon the rock
And under the shelter of His hand
I feel so safe and grand.

Mathew 7:24-25Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Great to be Alive

After spending the evening in emergency last night, I felt this the most appropriate to post. As I sat waiting and waitng for what seemed like forver, I watched all the parents bring their sick children in. I studied their faces, wondered what they are going through. Some came in really sick, some just a little sick but they all came in trust and faith that the doctor would heal their child.  Then I got to thinking how many of them know there is a healer available 24 hours a day with no wait. I wonder if they'd seek Him if they knew. This seemed to make my wait much easier. I know there is a Doctor on call every minute. He is my Lord. And even though my son sat in pain and I annoyed with the wait, we were in good hands the whole time. Just knowing my son is in the healing hands of the Lord, and we have the blessing of great medical care, I can't help but feel that it's Great to be Alive!

Great to be Alive

So great to be alive
With my Lord, I will thrive
No matter the storm
No matter the pleasure
His love for me I cannot measure
My love for Him soars high and far
Can’t keep it bottled in a jar
My heart He holds within his palm
So my hand to Him I raise
And give Him all the praise
My thirst He quenches
My tears He wipes dry
When He hears me cry
My eyes are fixed on him 
Every night and day
Even when I fail
He loves me anyway
It’s so great to be alive
To have such love from above
It’s all that I need to face my day
And when a storm comes my way
To my Lord I will turn
It is for Him I yearn
When I feel I’ve reached my end
To Him my arms I will extend
And hold on with all my might
While he carries me through this plight
Let go will I not
For my soul has been bought
By the blood of Our Christ Jesus
Who lives for all of us
Oh it’s so great to be alive
To spend my days
Giving thanks and praise
For my life is what I aim
To the one who suffered and took the blame
I must say this 
Because of Him
It’s so great to be alive


Monday, September 17, 2012


So much of my life I went it alone. I figured I could get through life on my own. Boy was I wrong! Since I surrendered my heart to the Lord I've learned that I was foolish to go so long on my own. He has been so mind boggling so good to me. I can't stop counting my blessings past and present. I can't wait to see what He has for my future!

Because of You

Because of You I fret no more
Of that unopened door
For now I walk with You
Right by my side
My Lord Jesus
The strength I draw from You
Leaves me feeling there is nothing I cannot do
No mountains too high
No road too long

Because of you I get a second chance
For my life to be enhanced
Through Your love and grace
until one day I meet You face to face
A clean slate is what I seek
For without You my future is bleak

Because of You I hold my head up high
And follow my Counselor in the sky
It’s comforting to know
I’m protected from the evil down below
All I have to do is keep in step with you

Because of You my days are bright
Under Your heavenly light
Even days when I am teary eyed and grey
Your light glistens in my tears
And washes away my fears

Because of You I have hope
For eternal life,
A rescue from my daily strife
You give me the desire to continue on
For when all else is done
It’ll be You there standing arms stretched
Waiting for me to come to You

Because of You I can face all that is impossible
For with You It Is Possible!

Mark 10:27With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.