Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Friday, September 7, 2012

As the River Flows...............

This morning I read my usual Girlfriends In God devotion. Her topic was Spring of Living Water(Gwen Smith author). As I read it I thought of two poems about God's love for us and how it's always flowing and as long as the rivers flow He will always be there to help us sail through.  Have you taken your dip today?

As the River Flows

Surely as the rivers flow
So shall my love for Him
There is no mountain or canyon
That can keep me away from Him!
Mountains can become mole hills
Canyons mere crevices
If only I Believe
He will bring me through the darkest and loneliest tunnels
Up high through the hills
Low through the valleys
All the while just asking me for my trust in Him and Believe
For love and guidance?
Is that all?
So then I must continue forward to the great Divine!
Must listen to my Guide along the way for
He is the Truth, the Life, and the Way
As long as the river flows to the oceans wide
I will continue my journey and seek His help
With every stride
For He has the path paved for me if only I am patient
And Believe!

 John 14:16Jesus answered: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

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This poetry is not only Praise to God but it is also a testimony of His work in my life. Even when I haven't paid attention, He was there through it all. God Loves Me even though I am not perfect and that's enough for me.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.