Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Worried or uncertain about Faith

One of the reasons for starting this blog was to inspire, encourage and entice readers to strengthen their faith, begin their journey or to reaffirm their faith. I think I am doing that. Just after I made my decision to follow Christ, I found my general mood, attitude needed constant encouragement. There were many times when I wasn't able to get to church due to work and it wore on my heart. So I started writing poems to help keep me lifted. They helped but also fueled my desire to write more and share with whoever would listen!. Just shortly before I was baptized I wanted a visual of some sort to help me understand what I was about to go through. So I wrote a poem about the silly things we thrive on and the nonsense that comes with.Perhaps it will inspire you too, to let go and make the change I made.

Frets and Frowns

To fret and frown
Will keep you down
To hope and love
Will bring you blessings from above
When in doubt
Don’t sit and pout
Hold your head up to the sky
For it is he who leads you through
Because of all the quirky things you do
He offers overflowing cups of mercy and grace
All He asks is for your embrace
So reach out to Him today
He will never lead you astray
Are you ready to be daring?
Stand up and take the stand
Because being one of His is just so grand!
He’ll take away those frets
And turn the frowns upside down
A smile in your heart He will leave
So reach to the sky and believe.

Philippians 4: 4-7 Rejoice, in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.

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This poetry is not only Praise to God but it is also a testimony of His work in my life. Even when I haven't paid attention, He was there through it all. God Loves Me even though I am not perfect and that's enough for me.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.