Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Boys

God blesses us in many ways. Most of us don't realize what these blessings are. Some blessings are so huge you can't ignore them. It's what you do with the blessings that makes the differences. The Lord has abundantly showered me with blessings. I count them every day. The 2 blessings that mean more to me than anything are my two sons. My boys are the world to me. As I'm sure every parent says of their children. My life has not been the same since the day I got the news I was pregnant for the first time. They push my every button and try my every nerve but when the going gets tough, they are there with a smile or an "I Love You Mommy". They melt my heart especially when I'm in a sour mood. They make me laugh and have made me cry; not intentional of course. So I decided one day to write a poem about them. So tonight's poem is simply titled "My Boys". The greatest gift next to life itself that God could give me and my husband.

My Boys

With sweetness and innocence they start my day
With excitement and chaos no doubt
Just how could I have it any other way
These two precious boys of mine 
How they’ve laced their love into my heart
Their innocence fills me with energy
 that keeps me going when I am tired and weary.
They are gifts from God
Gifts to love,
Gifts to teach,
Gifts to hold
Gifts that will never grow old
From the moment they were inside me
I knew that the Lord had given to me
A most special gift
These are keepers that’s for sure
With loving hearts so pure
Years may have them looking old
But to me they’ll always be my babes
That forever I will hold
Just the way He commanded me.

Mathew 19:14Jesus said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

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This poetry is not only Praise to God but it is also a testimony of His work in my life. Even when I haven't paid attention, He was there through it all. God Loves Me even though I am not perfect and that's enough for me.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.