Greatest Gifts

Greatest Gifts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Call of the Loon

Although most of my life I haven't had an intimate relationship with the Lord, I made the decision to turn that around about 3 years ago. One of the biggest things I've had to learn was to turn to the Lord when I had troubles. I have been so used to relying on my own judgement, so learning to trust the Lord has been a huge stepping stone for me.
My journey has brought me through many moments where God has shown himself to me and reassured me that I was in deed on the right track. This one particular instance, I was feeling really troubled and was walking beside a lake. As I walked I talked with God as I usually do on my walks. This day he answered me in a way so convincing I wanted to run across the water to find Him so I could hug Him. Instead this is what He sent me:

Call of the Loon

I cried out for the Lord
He sent me the call of the Loon
That soothing call of this bird
Sends warming shivers through my heart
He always stays in the distance
But calls to me just so I know He is there somewhere
For me to seek
His call is inviting but cautious
So calm,
So energizing
As my day went on I felt
My troubles grow strong
So I turned to the skies and asked The Lord
For someone to walk with
He sent me the Call of the loon once more
Each time I heard that majestic call
I knew He would guide me
And protect me
The Lord is around us in many a way
Just have to ask Him and He’ll show us
Where He is everyday
With a simple call of the loon.

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This poetry is not only Praise to God but it is also a testimony of His work in my life. Even when I haven't paid attention, He was there through it all. God Loves Me even though I am not perfect and that's enough for me.

About Me

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We all have gifts given to us by The Lord God above even before we were a glint in our parents eye. The Lord designed each one of us to have a gift. What we choose to do with the gifts he gives us is what matters. I chose to share my gift with the world. I'm not a professional. I have had no educational training in poetry writing other than basic english that they teach you in school. All my poems are inspired by God's word and the desire to have a better relationship with him. I have also been inspired by life events that God has led me to healing for. I am a mother of 2 boys trying to do my best to please the father and raise my boys to live the same way.